Charles Brett
Author, The Corruption Series


HolyPhone Confessional Crisis
The HolyPhone Confessional Crisis is an explosive technology crime and church thriller. Set in Rome, Israel and Spain, the novel follows a powerful alliance of a female Spanish member of Opus Dei, an American whose father runs a southern fundamentalist church, an Israeli pro-Settler technology genius and an ex-banker-turned-priest, a past lover of the American.
When the Vatican introduces its HolyPhones into confessionals in Europe and the Americas, the alliance conspires to cream-off a slice of the HolyPhone's confessional revenues. Cardinal da Ferraz, responsible for the HolyPhone’s success, suspects something is amiss and deploys an Irish policeman and his Australian computer crime sidekick to try to find the source of the trouble. With more than the Church's finances at stake, the four characters race against time to safeguard the Church before it's too late.
If you enjoyed Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" or Chris Kuzneski's "The Hunters", you should like "The HolyPhone Confessional Crisis".
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Corruption's Price: A Spanish Deceit
Corruption in Madrid is complex, tangled in multiple webs of deceit. Davide, a half-Spanish, half-English businessman, has reasons to get to the bottom of one dimension.
He enlists the help of Caterina, a previous partner from Sydney, and her outrageous bi-sexual colleague, Emilia, they're quickly met with resistance from the powerful forces at work in the city and beyond. With the help of Davide's co-worker Ana and her cousin, Pedro, a senior policeman, plus Rafa Garibey de Williams, an about-to-retire investigating judge, Davide and Ana unravel the corrupt business practices and sinister secrets which reach deep into the Church, Opus Dei, the legal profession and the political realm.
Will they succeed in uncovering the truth? Or will the powerful contain the consequences they fear and manage to keep their corruption hidden?
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Virginity Despoiled
Tension, secrets, and a fierce struggle to exist - this is the story of Enrique, a Spanish premium olive oil grower, and his lover Lili, a Canadian ex-banker, who together try to compete in the midst of a ferociously competitive and corrupt olive oil market.
When Oleg and Andrei, two Estonian criminals, hatch a plot to disorient global demand by ruining the Spanish olive harvest, Enrique and Lili find themselves in a desperate battle against nature's, and the criminal, odds. Meanwhile, their business colleagues, Ana and Inma, find themselves fighting their own internal dilemmas as they grapple with the consequences of Ana's unexpected inheritance, Inma's uncertain sexuality and the impact on their own insurance business of the impending olive harvest disaster.
As the olive fruit flies descend, the stakes rise higher and higher. The question remains: who will survive as this story of betrayal, secrets and forbidden love?
If you enjoyed Charles Brett's other novels in The Corruption Series, this will appeal.
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A heady mix of ambition, lust, betrayal, greed and corruption fester beneath the surface of a divided Cyprus. Kjersti, an extreme runner and investigative journalist, arrives with her ex-boyfriend to try to run 350 kilometres across the island in a fortnight. Assigned to report on their 'marathon' are two junior yet ambitious local journalists, Aris and Iphi, who uncover a scandal.
In parallel, Eleni, a talented architect and niece to the head of the local Orthodox Church, has been commissioned to build an immense structure to immortalize her uncle. Stephane, a financial systems expert, is pursued by an insatiable Eleni and is desperate enough to seek to protection from an illegal money-laundering scheme through the office of Eleni's Archbishop uncle.
As the multiple previously hidden connections from Spain to France and across Cyprus, no one can predict what toxic outcomes will emerge. If you have enjoyed the previous Corruption Series of novels, this fourth installment will enthrall.
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Selected Reviews
The HolyPhone Confessional Crisis
"A very clever plot feeds a fun mystery of financial process
"Po Bronson meets Dan Brown ... but with the wit, charm. and international flair that only Charles Brett can bring. This book was a surprise. A very clever plot feeds a fun mystery of financial process, conflicting political and personal agenda, tangled and shifting alliances, and some good Catholic politics and dogma. Toss into the mix a female technology wiz (!), an Israeli villain (or was it that Chicagoian?), an improbable affair (hot!), and the loveable "analyst" we all aspire to be (Davide is just so cool), and this was one fun read. Next time, Mr. Brett, add a murder if you please. Please give us the sequel! Davide must "ride again." (John R. Rymer)
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Corruption's Price: A Spanish Deceit
A good read, with likable characters and a satisfying outcome
A good read, with likable characters and a satisfying outcome. Nice and suspenseful, with an interesting plot and enough business details to be believable. Hope to encounter the same cast of characters again in future works. (Emily N.)
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Virginity Despoiled
The greatest strength of Virginity Despoiled is its plot which from ...
The greatest strength of Virginity Despoiled is its plot which from the outset is engaging, very clever and well worked out. The Prologue immediately takes the reader into the fascinating world of olive cultivation and introduces him to the sinister nature of the pest which will be one of the main characters of the book. The plot holds the reader’s attention throughout the book and the weaving together of the various strands towards the end is compelling.
The narrative moves at a good pace and rarely drags. The characters relate well to one another and are consistently drawn. The character development is good as the perceptions which the various protagonists have of one another and their relationships change over time. I found Inma’s reconciliation with La Abuela to be well handled and quite moving, even though I felt little personal empathy with either of those characters. The relationship between Inma and Lili is of great interest and I will not spoil things for other readers by saying more about its resolution than that I found it left one intrigued. The characters of Oleg and Andrei are well developed and their relationship is an endless source of amusement for the reader. (Anon)
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Resurrection is a worthy successor to Brett's previous three novels ...
Resurrection is a worthy successor to Brett's previous three novels. Unlike the violent imagery in many novels and mysteries, Brett wisely uses his extensive fund of knowledge about church politics, money laundering, and illegal sports betting to create a complex plot with a diverse group of characters.
The setting of Nicosia in Cyprus is inspired since the European and Cypriot protagonists have their own parts to play in corruption and greed. Kjersti, a Norwegian runner and journalist, experiences the pristine beauty of the island and uses her beauty and shrewd intelligence to parse out the threads of corruption.
Those who have participated in the various corrupt schemes fear discovery and punishment. There is even an ominous and mysterious Russian.
The writing style is taut and the author brings his prodigious intellect to devising a synergy to the ending.
Please let there be more to come! (Darlene Waldrop)
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Charles Brett is a novelist and business/technology consultant.
Born in Belfast and educated in England, he has a degree in Modern History from the University of Oxford. Married to a Spaniard, he has lived or worked in Italy, Abu Dhabi, South Africa, California and New York, Israel, Estonia and Cyprus. He now lives in Spain
Besides his novels in The Corruption Series, he has written
business and technology-related books. He has contributed over the years to a broad variety of newspapers, journals and magazines.
For any media inquiries, please contact Charles Brett direct:
Tel: 00 44 787 233 4000 or charles.brett-author-interaction@outlook.com
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